The easiest way to determine which colors look best on you is to simply try clothes on before you buy them. If you are someone who tends to grab clothes off the rack in your size and head straight to the checkout, you must break this habit. You must try clothes on to see if they complement your features and coloring, or if the clothes overpower you. If the latter is true, what you may see is that "the clothes wear you." And what you really want is clothing in colors that make people notice you and your overall appearance, not just your clothes.
Surprisingly similar to blondes, if you have brown hair with fair skin tone, you will also look best in jewel tones. You should look to add some color in your shirts or sweaters that are rich in color, such as emerald green or dark blue. A splash of color is a great way to brighten up your staple pieces, such as a grey, navy or black suits that may appear dark on their own. For example, wear a plain white shirt and add a colorful jewel colored tie to add depth to your skin and brighten up your eyes. Be sure to avoid pale colors like pastel pink or baby blue as it will make your skin look washed out.
If you are a natural redhead with fair skin and dark eyes, it is likely that you have what stylists refer to as "autumn coloring." This means that your complexion is enhanced by earthy and spicy colors. For example, put on a bright blue colored shirt and look in the mirror. The color is kind of overpowering you, isn't it? Now put on a moss green colored shirt, and see how the natural earth tone complements your skin and hair. You should look for colors with warm and golden undertones. For winter, look for sports jackets, blazers and sweaters in tones such as forest green and dark plum. Ties and scarves in shades of burnt orange and gold are nice choices. You may always wish to select eggshell or cream colored button up shirts, since plain white can look very stark against your skin.
Darker Skin Tones:
Interestingly, if you have dark brown or golden brown skin, you likely look best in autumn colors as well. This is because both redheads and those with dark skin have golden undertones to their skin and dark eyes.
One color that looks pretty much the same on every skin tone is red. Red always commands attention and looks authoritative. So regardless of your skin and hair color, red can function as a nice addition of color in your wardrobe. One study that was reported in the Daily News even stated that men who wear red are perceived as more desirable and attractive to women. So if that is your goal, try looping a red scarf around your neck this winter!