Want a custom, coordinated look that is inexpensive? Use bedsheets. Yep, the same sheets you cuddle under at night can turn a bedroom from boring to stunning. A designer look at Walmart prices.
To coordinate with your bed, just buy extra sheet sets. Use them to make pillows, drapes, dust ruffles, round table covers and more.
Buy pillow forms at any sewing or craft store. Measure the dimensions. Cut two pieces from your sheets with these dimensions. Sew seams around the sides (or use Stitch Witchery(r) and a hot iron), remembering to sew with right sides together. Leave half of one side for a square or rectangle pillow or 1/6 of the circumference of a round pillow open. Turn inside out. Stuff your pillow form into the pillow casing. Stitch the opening closed by hand. For extra pizzazz, use piping, trims, or beads in the seam.
Swags are the easiest to make. Simply cut one width of the sheet about 24" - 48" tall - depending on how much fullness you want - whatever is left to hang on the sides will have to do. Hem both top and bottom by rolling 1", folding in half, and stitching near the second fold.
If you have wide window or you wish to have the swag fall further down the side of the window, you'll need to do a bit more work, but it's still fairly easy. Measure your window width. Determine how long you want the swag to hang down the sides, then double this measurement. Add it to your width measurement. Add another 6" - 12" to allow soft draping across the top. Measure the width of your sheet. Compare it to the measurements you made previously of your window. If your sheet is 54" wide but you want a swag that's 100" wide, you'll need to essentially cut two widths. Cut any extra widths as needed. The key for swags, if you need more than one width, is that you don't want a seam in the center. Instead, you'll want the full width of the window in one piece, then seam together the side pieces at the ends of this center piece. When you piece together patterns, try to match up the patterns between pieces. This may mean you need to cut your widths at different points across the sheet.
Hang the swag over a pole or in swag holders. You can also sew a valance and panels. A gathered valance is easy. Measure your window width. You'll want to cut widths from your sheet that is 50% to 100% wider than the window, seam together, matching patterns. So if your window is 40", you'll want your curtain to be 60" - 80" wide. You can sew together as many widths as you need as long as you match your pattern. Decide the height of the valance. 15" -18" is standard so make the height that you cut from the sheet 40" - 44". If you want a small ruffle above the valance add 2" - 4" to the total above. Sew multiple widths together, right sides facing each other. Sew the top and bottom ends together with right sides facing each other. Turn inside out and straighten. From the top seam, line pins 1" - 2" down from the top. Stitch along this line to create your ruffle. Then measure down 3-1/2" and mark with pins. Stitch along this line to create your rod pocket. Put your curtain on the rod and hang.
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