Tuesday 12 July 2011

Exercises For Double Chin

Double chin is always an irritating factor if you are beauty conscious. Double chin is the clear cut sign of aging. But there are other factors also, which causes the double chin. These are poor posture and over weight. The high intake of calories causes the double chin very fastly.
For other facial problems there is some alternate as for eyes we use contact lenses. For some other feature abnormality there is cosmetic surgery and make up so to recover the change. The double chin can be recovered only by performing certain exercises with persistent basis.
The causes of double chin are first to be noticed. If these are due to over weight then to eliminate extra calories fro your diet. If this is due to heredity then you may not do by any uptake just exercise can helpful to some extent.
Here are some exercises and precautions to get rid of double chin.
  • The jaw line should be moved in such a manner that the facial muscles get the maximum and continuous stretching. Chew gum which is sugar free and this will   help your face muscles to move continuously it will keep your jaw line tight and keep the chin in its usual form. It will also helpful in loosing extra fats and keep them tight.
  • Stand near the wall and bend your head in backward direction in such a way to tilt your head toward the ceiling. Now try to kiss the ceiling by stretching your lips and puckering up. Hold for five seconds and repeat five times in a day.
  • Now stand straight along the wall and rotate your neck in circular or semi circular motion but this exercise not performed vigorously to avoid any muscular stretch.
  • Now move your lower jaw toward your bottom teeth and move the jaw in such a way as you are scooping something and do this frequently. After some days you will feel the difference. If done with daily routine.
  • While sitting keep your chin slightly upward and if possible keep something under your chin as tennis ball or your hand to press the chin inward and support with the hand, in this way you will get rid of double chin by continuous practice.
  • Stand in front of mirror and make the expressions of your face in such a way as you are kissing, so by repeat it several times in a day. It will also tighten the loose muscles of face and shape up the chin.
  • Lie on your back and straight your legs and arms. Now lift your head up as much as your chin is high up the head, now repeat this with your chin down to the head. Do this with repetition of 30 times in a day.
While doing the exercise control your breath in such a way that when your head up the n breath in, and when your head down the breath out.

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