Sunday 10 July 2011

Hands and Perfect Nails

The nails and hands are two parts of our bodies that are often taken for granted. We use them everyday of our lives, but fail to take care of them as much as we take care of our hair, teeth, or other body parts. The reason or this is because they always serve their purpose. And they never fail us until it’s too late to give them their much deserved attention.
By the time we see veins on our hands, or see them with blotches of red and discoloration; or when our nails are specked with white spots, and often break. Is it too late to care and improve them? No, it's not. But we need to act on it soon.

Now, because we have failed to take note of the changes on our hands and nails, it is not a surprise that the information we possess on how to take care of them is also limited. What does this leave us? Go to professionals. Spend well earned dollars on our hands and nails. This could be the case on those extremely problematic situations, however, this doesn't always have to be the case.
There is a secret to taking care of our hands and nails. As with any care regimen, we need to understand these parts of our body that have been very loyal to us through these years. Once we know this, we need to know how to take better care of them, and other factors that have been affecting them without us knowing.
Here are a few things to take note:
Moisturizing your hands for at least 4 times everyday will bring give them a healthy glow.
Always wear rubber gloves when working in the garden or at home.
Remove dead skin cells from your hands using a sea salt-lemon solution. Use an old toothbrush to brush it in your hands twice a week. This will help soften your hands and get rid of any discoloration.
To strengthen nails and hydrate skin on the hands, soak them for five minutes in a warm cup of milk. The lactic acid in milk will exfoliate dead skin from your hands while calcium will give strength to fragile nails.
A few things you really should remember:
The basics which means:
  • Cleansing
  • Moisturizing
  • Exfoliation
Always wear rubber gloves when working in the garden or at home.
Remove dead skin cells from your hands using a sea salt-lemon solution. Use an old toothbrush to brush it in your hands twice a week. This will help soften your hands and get rid of any discoloration.
To strengthen nails and hydrate skin on the hands, soak them for five minutes in a warm cup of milk. The lactic acid in milk will exfoliate dead skin from your hands while calcium will give strength to fragile nails.
Protect your hands daily from anything that could cause injury or any form of abuse.


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