Wednesday 13 July 2011

Home Remedies of Freckles

Freckles are the pigment cells on the skin. Usually they are very small, flat and brown or tan colored areas on the skin. Normally freckles doesn’t cause any harm to your health. It only reduces the beauty of your skin.
  • Grate a radish and mix it with the juice taken from a freshly cut lemon. Combine both to make a fine paste. Spread this paste on the affected area and when the mask gets dried then wash off with normal water. The bleaching effect t of both lemon and radish will help you to lighten the color of the freckles.
  • Mix a little wheat germ in honey and warm the mixture. Then apply the mixture on the affected area. Then massage the area by slightly tapping on the skin. Keep it for 15 minutes and then wash off the honey and wheat germ mixture with some warm water.
  • Make a mixture of juices by mixing equal quantities of lemon juice, red currant juice, orange juice and parsley juice. Apply this mixture on the affected area and this will help you to reduce the freckles.
  • Rub fresh aloe vera on the freckles daily. This will reduce the freckles gradually.

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