1. Style: Western boots come in many different colors and styles which can be governed by the type of skin used, the type of dye used to color the leather, or the embellishments to the boot made. One of the hallmarks of womens western boots is the stitching of the boot. Simple style include a single layer of leaf patterns that run the sides and front of the boot, while more complicated stitching can embroider just about any image in multiple colors. One of the big differences between womens western boots and western boots for men is that mens western boots, including fashion cowboy boots for men, generally don't have nearly as much stitching and far fewer color options, but for women, you can generally find a pair of boots that can match just about any outfit.
2. Sizing. Because western boots are almost always made of leather or some other type of skin, they are more flexible than your conventional shoe. With wearing, you can expect your boots the expand and to form more tightly to your foot. Consequently, when you make your purchase, plan to buy a size that is slightly smaller than you normally would (as long as it is not uncomfortably tight). In addition, it is rare to find womens western boots in multiple widths, you if you have wider than average feet, you will likely have a very difficult time finding a pair of boots that will work for you. You may want to consider a mens boot instead.
3. Fabric. The vast majority of fashion western boots are made out of leather. However, boots can and have been made from just about every type of skin you can imaging including ostrich skin, alligator skin, snake skin, elephant skin, etc. These exotic boots are a personality and fashion statement though it may not necessarily be the statement you want to make as many of these exotic skins are controversial and shunned by many groups. Not only do you risk the disapproval of your friends, they will often set you back twice to three times the cost of a conventional western boot. 4. Nomenclature. While western boots are often referred to as cowboy boots, the proper name is western boots and while the name has little impact on functionality of your footwear, when it comes to fashion, what you say can mean more than how you look and calling them by the wrong name can be a big mistake.
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