Designer Brands:
Designer handbags have their own place in the wardrobe of a woman. An irresistible and fashionable look, handbags are now made, focusing on functionality and comfort. It should be beautiful, and yet functional. In today's world, mass is there, where there are attractive designs. Market is filled with replica of the designer ones. There is a proliferation of replicas at a fraction of the price of that of an original. But designer handbags are designed for performance. Quality and functionality of the original is always an overmatch for a replica. Major style of a designer bag is the logo, or initial, or monogram embellished on the bag.
Designer handbag is the most expensive accessory a woman can have. Starting from socialites, stylists, and celebrities, to ordinary people, every one would be happy to own a designer handbag with the latest style. Designer bags come in many styles such as clutch, hobo, tote, pochette, satchel, and shoulder bag. International brands are on their toes to come up with new designs that would win the heart of every fashion savvy woman. Topping the list is Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Prada, Hermes Birkin, Coco Chanel along with Armani, Burberry, Versace, Vivienne Westwood, Donna Karan, Balenciaga, Miu Miu, Ralph Lauren, Dolce & Gabbana, and still many more. Some major labels sell their bags only through their boutiques, or with selected retailers.
Trends for 2009:
Todays women prefer both performance and style. Despite the changing trends, classic styles never loose their appeal. New trends emerge in the market every now and then, but with a tinge of inspiration from the old styles. Women now select their bags watching celebrity styles. Fashion houses observed this trend, and soon hundreds of stylish bags were seen in the store racks. Designers and celebrities work together in building the market for branded bags.
•The Color Palette: Black and white always rules the color segment. Followed by this will be the fashionable reds and blues. It would look sensible if handbags and purses for everyday use are kept in neutral colors. A hue that would never go out of fashion is the feminine color; pink. Hues of various shades starting from fuchsia to pale pink, this shade will dominate the accessory segment for women. Light brown, chocolate brown, and deep red will be in style.
•Bigger the Better: Gone are the days, when women liked to carry small handbags, which barely had enough space for a lipstick. Todays women, especially the working class prefers to have a handbag that can accommodate all her things; from cell phones, money, to make up items, and other things she wishes to keep with her. Her choice will be a handbag with stylish look and good functionality.
•Shine and shimmer: Material handbags with metallic leather trims, bags with copper, gold and silver compliments will be the most favorite choice especially for models on the ramp.
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