1. Shoulder Bag A shoulder bag comes in many different sizes and shapes. They are usually larger, providing more space for essentials such as your wallet, books, makeup etc. Shoulder bags are meant only to be worn over the shoulder and provide a combination practicality and style in one handbag.
2. Handheld Handbag Handheld handbags are handbags which are designed to be held in the hand and no other way. They are usually smaller and provide less space than a shoulder bag. The difference between this form of bag and a clutch is that a handheld bag usually has a strap or handles. These types of bags are best suited for shopping or cruising around town.
3. Back Pack Back Packs are very popular bags which are most beneficial to students of all ages. Back packs have two straps which make them better suited for carrying since there is a balance of pressure of both sides of your shoulders and back (as opposed to just one with most handbags).
4. Tote Bag Tote bags are very popular because they are casual yet very practical. These bags usually fall in the middle of the body, around the elbow. They are big and provide a lot of space for the user. They usually only have one or two compartments and are available with a number of images on them or a simple solid color.
5. Clutch - A clutch is a handbag which does not have handles and is meant to be carried in the hand. That said they are usually quite small and only provide enough space for the bare essentials which you will need. These bags can be casual or dressy and are often worn to parties or nightclubs because they are so small and efficient.
The handbag you choose will depend on your style and your personal preference. As a woman you will probably feel the need to change the style of handbag you carry on a regular basis. The style of handbag differs each day depending on where you are going and which type would be best suited for the occasion. Have fun with your handbag and let your personality show through the style you choose.
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