What's every well-dressed baby wearing this spring? Jewelry of course. But when it comes to buying the best in baby jewelry common sense must rule.
Although there are products marketed specifically for babies, it's a case of buyer beware when it comes to ensuring these items are safe for little ones. The key is to be smart with purchases and consider the hazards before purchasing. Even a beautiful necklace that's specifically marketed for a baby requires some careful inspection before buying.
Whether you're shopping online or in person, there are ways to check the safety of different pieces of jewelry. In general, look for the following things:
* Make sure there aren't choke hazards. This means no "pearl size" beads for babies. Seed pearls are possibilities, but still take care. With necklaces and bracelets, go for items that don't have charms.
* Avoid items that don't have good safety clasps. Whether necklaces or bracelets or earrings, the safety clasp can stop a baby from getting the item off, chewing it and possibly choking on it.
* Earrings are fast becoming the norm for little baby girls. When choosing earrings, make sure to go for those designed for babies with very good clasps in the back. Hypoallergenic or solid metal is a good idea. Avoid plated materials if possible.
* Rings generally aren't a good idea, but if they check out as safe, remember to check your child's finger periodically for any signs of slippage.
* Avoid items with choke hazard-sized stones. Diamonds may be a girl's best friend but use some common sense when dealing with baby jewelry.
After you've made certain the jewelry you've chosen looks safe and will hold up, there are a few more things to consider:
* Carefully inspect jewelry that's been purchased on a regular basis. Look for any signs of wear and make sure clasps function as they should.
* With necklaces, make certain they are strong enough to withstand a few tugs from a baby, but weak enough to break away and not cause a strangle hazard. Anything around a baby's neck offers the potential for trouble.
* Earrings should be inspected on a regular basis. Make sure the child shows no signs of infection and do follow the rules of proper ear care.
* Bracelets should be inspected for wear and their clasps should be checked periodically.
* With the exception of earrings, baby jewelry should likely only be worn on special occasions. It's not a good idea to keep pieces of jewelry on a toddler or smaller child on a daily basis. Not only can they break the jewelry, it can pose problems if it breaks.
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