Old Crappy Tee Magazine warned you about it in March. Now it's time to get prepared!
"Military-feminine. If you can get your hands on it, please do! Plan to wear your boots and look Eastern bloc mysterious undercover agent unbelievable. Blue-grey and steely colors form smart top-coats with faux fur trim. Narrow army coats sport distinct buttons and epaulettes. Soften your hard-as-nails look with a hint of lace cami that peeks out from underneath the lapel of your trench, or a surprisingly gorgeous fabric pencil line, to the knee or just above, slits at the side or back."
Runways this year have if fact seen styles patterned after every uniform era imaginable . . . from beautiful gold borders gracing garments with military influence to coats and jackets reminiscent of Napoleon's style. Buttons are key, large and small, as they embellish the rich look and cut of these fashions.
Now, just a few more tips to look military chic!
1. Wear your military style jacket or coat overtop your favorite jeans and with a lightweight or sexy top underneath. You can keep your clothes simpler due to heavy embroiders, embellishments, epaulettes, ornaments and the like (especially so if you're lucky enough to find a really fabulous overcoat or jacket.) 2. Remember, the look you're going for is not soldier camo (which to some onlookers may be in poor taste - given the times.) You are aiming for a classic officer class look, cooler and Russian romantic. Fur trims are keys, shiny brass anything, dressings up on the shoulders, and don't forget signature long shiny leather boot-wear.
2. Keep the overall feel of the outfit hard (with a bit of mystery of course!) How? Lots of black, very fitted, waist-accentuating and buttoned-up chic. If the jacket is long, opt for a belt if possible.
3. Black, more black, and if not black, somber and foreboding color is key.
4. As mentioned above, boot-wear is essential, so keep an eye out for the best this season. Try a pair of lower, more rounded-toe boots. Keep an eye on your hemline and your boot height when cinching that outfit together. You want to opt for the most flattering choices for your calves, no matter what's most stylish!
5. Since your military style jacket is not inherently feminine.....try it along with your favorite skinny pants (if you are into "skinnies") or try a flowing skirt. This is the way to go if you want a softer look.
6. Yes, you can wear your flats with a military-style jacket.
7. Is your military style jacket or coat missing the bling? Not to worry! Get creative and populate those empty spots and lapels with your own accessories. If your fashion find doesn't have pins, big buttons and the like, try out vintage items, medals, fashion jewelry, and other second-hand items. Get creative, the items don't have to be military-ish. You can also check out your local sewing or craft-goods store to dress up your find with your own custom design.
8. Accessorize to impress. Choose a belt or bag with dictinctive glamour. In tasteful amount, brass studs, buckles, belts. Keep it spy-rific.
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