Sunday 18 December 2011

Outstanding Apparel Moves to Unite U.S

Outstanding Apparel, LLC continues its efforts to uplift and inspire individuals from all walks of life. The company has long promoted a “mindset of success” and an “attitude of excellence.” This most recent campaign; “Unite U.S.” is no different.

Today, the company announced the release of “Divided We Fall,” T-shirts aimed at uniting American citizens and encouraging everyone to work together for the good of the country. Cornelius Davis, company CEO said; “People are becoming more and more divided by a political landscape of hand-picked issues that pit one segment of the population against another.” Speaking on the current state of democracy, Davis went on to say; “I caution everyone not to get caught up in negative dialogue; it is unproductive and keeps us from moving forward. Ultimately it creates an environment where the proper people are never held accountable and our representation will continue to get a pass despite not doing their job.”

Outstanding Apparel wants everyone to stand up and participate in our democracy and make this country a better place for everyone. Start today by ordering your “Divided We Fall” shirt and encourage someone to take a stand.

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