Wednesday 20 July 2011

Benefits Of Tomato For Skin

The tomato is typically known for being used in kitchen as one of the widely known fruits, brightly red in color and comes in all shapes and sizes. Tomatoes are used in salads, sandwiches, pastes, sauces, juices and many different prepared dishes. However, did you know that tomatoes are an inexpensive and easy to find remedy for skin care. With a wide array of versatility, color, flavor and nutrition the tomato can treat many different skin conditions and problems.
The use of tomato for skin care is ideal because of its cooling and astringent properties. It is rich in vitamin C making it helpful for acne and brightening dull skin and contains vitamin A needed for building healthy skin. Its naturally acidic properties help it balance the skin and get rid of excessive oil. The antioxidants in tomatoes make them free radical fighters. Purchase organic tomatoes or grow your own to try one of these skin care techniques utilizing the tomato.

Benefits of Tomato on Skin

Pioneer says that tomatoes are full of antioxidants, which help to fight free radicals. They are loaded with vitamins C, E, B6, B1, B3 and B2. In addition, they contain iron and potassium. These are all building blocks for a healthy complexion. Tomatoes are naturally acidic, and they help keep the skin free of oil, which in turn can prevent acne. Pore size can even be reduced. Tomato also works as a moisturizer, leaving skin soothed and smooth.

Tomato Prevents Sun Damage

In a University of Manchester study, researchers found that women who consumed about 55 grams of tomato paste daily had a lower risk of sunburn. Lycopene, a powerful antioxidant compound present in tomatoes, protects the skin from photo damage.
Excessive exposure to the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun increases the risk of premature skin aging and even skin cancer. Presence of at least 16 milligrams of lycopene in the diet each day is usually sufficient for improving the health of the skin. Sunburn can be healed with tomato juice face pack. A mixture of tomato and cucumber juice soothes the skin and reduces pigmentation caused by sun exposure.

Acne Treatment With Tomato

To reduce acne flare ups, suggests mashing a tomato and allowing the pulp to rest on your face for about 1 hour. This should be done at least once a week. To minimize oil, which is an acne causer, slice a tomato in half and rub it into your face. Focus mostly on the areas of skin where acne occurs the most. After a few minutes, rinse with cool water. Another option is to mash a tomato and cucumber and apply the juice mixture to the face with a cotton ball.

Quick Tomato Facial

Cut a tomato in half and rub it on your face and allow it to sit for a few minutes. Focus on the areas on your face with the most blackheads. Rinse with tepid water. Use this remedy if you want a natural facial astringent that will reduce oil and reduce your pores.

Tomato in Anti-aging Face Mask

The antioxidant rich vegetable could be added to face packs. The antioxidant compounds in tomatoes could enhance the anti-aging property of your face pack. Blend one tablespoon of tomato pulp, one teaspoon of organic honey and one teaspoon of yogurt. Apply the paste allover the face and neck. Relax for about 30 minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water. Besides nourishing and refreshing the aging skin, tomato juice could fade the blemishes and dark spots.

Tomato Recipes For Skin Care

  • Tomatoes are of great help for your skin. If you are exposed for a longer period in sun and in that span of time you are tanned, then there is an easy solution. Prepare cucumber and tomato juice mixture and apply it on the affected areas of your skin. Keep it for 10 minutes; wash it off with clean water. You will notice the difference.
  • Many individuals suffer from skin rashes and the major reason for these rashes is silicon deficiency. One can overcome this problem by having good amounts of sprouts, tomatoes, fruits and other vegetables.
  • Make a mixture of honey and tomato juice and apply it on your face and neck. Wash it off after 15 minutes and within minutes, you will be able to see the face glowing.
  • Tomato lotion aids in shrinking the enlarged pores and this can be made by using tomato juice mixed with 2 or 3 drops of lime juice. Apply this lotion on your face and then wash it off for 15 minutes.
  • You can easily prepare a homemade cleanser by using tomato and milk. Strain the pulp, use tomato juice, and mix it with equal parts of milk. Preserve this in a bottle, which can be refrigerated to be used everyday. Apply this on your face and neck with your fingertips. Keep it for 10 minutes and later wash it with cold water.
  • Mash tomatoes and green beans to a smooth paste and add 1 tbsp. of sour cream. The lactic acid present in sour cream will soothe and soften dry and itchy skin. Sour cream acts as a moisturizing ingredient while at the same time help in tightening wrinkles and refining pores.
Some people may be allergic to tomatoes. Do not use tomato on the face if an allergic reaction occurs. Tomatoes will not treat everyone’s skin care ailments. Some people may need to seek the attention of a dermatologist if problems like acne are persistent and do not respond to any over the counter treatments.

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