Friday 16 December 2011

Do We Need Skateboard Clothes and Snowboard Goggles?

Did you ever wonder why some people make such fuss when it comes to what they wear when skateboarding or snowboarding? Did you ever consider skateboard clothes as being regular outfits? Did you ever think of regular eye glasses, instead of snowboard goggles, as a possibility of accessorizing during your favorite winter sport? Well if you did think about all these and your answers were always affirmative, we can tell you that, in fact, these items are very important when it comes to being comfortable while practicing a sport. They are also quite different from the regular items as they are specially designed according to the demands implied by the sports on the human body. It is quite challenging to buy the most suitable skateboard clothes and the best snowboard goggles so you can enjoy your ride and be as relaxed as possible when snowboarding or when skateboarding.

Since it was first invented by teenagers in the '50s until today, skateboarding has changed considerably as new tools and accessories were created to make the sport more or less difficult and to give it more flavor. It was highly appreciated from its beginnings by young people who saw in it a way of expressing a different attitude. Along with the sport itself, the changes were reflected in the skateboard clothes' industry which gave and still gives a lot of attention to these adventurous teenagers and their needs.

Before the skateboard clothes were specially designed, the shoes were the first teenagers paid attention to. They needed to be soft for landings and comfortably balance their movements during their rides. They were not supposed to fall from their feet during dangerous jumping moves. Afterwards, the regular t-shirts and pants were gradually modified for a more appropriate look. In addition to the skateboard clothes, accessories were invented and the components of the skateboard were adjusted to higher demands. Skateboarders made up a culture of their own. Skateboard clothes were soon used to send out messages through the printed logos on the t-shirts or simply through their general aspect. The skateboard clothes spoke about a nonconformist style and freedom of movement. This why the pants were baggy, usually long and as comfortable as possible for their owners, while baseball hats were the skateboarders' favorite accessories.

So, if you are interested in buying skateboard clothes, it is important to pay attention to details that might create discomfort while skateboarding. Because this street sport is quite challenging, your body has to feel as good as possible in apparently regular clothes and the offer is quite varied. From jerseys, sweaters, polos and button up shirts, to hoodies, jeans, shorts and beanies, the skateboard clothes can offer that certain appearance you're looking for together with a really big freedom to move in any way you like. So don't forget: you're dressing up for a sport!

Snowboarding is a similar sport to skateboarding, but unlike it, the gear necessary for a demanding day on a board in the snow is different. Snowboarding is not the urban sport where you can dress in anything comfortable. You need warm clothes which are impermeable and resistant. Snowboard goggles are the accessory meant to protect from powerful sun rays reflected by the snow. They can not be neglected because they hold a great importance when practicing snowboarding.

Unlike regular sunglasses, snowboard goggles offer your eyes high protection against UV rays and they can give you a better view if you know how to choose the color of the lenses. The color of the lenses shouldn't be chosen according to taste, but according to practical reasons. For example, if you wish to have a clearer view when snowboarding at night, you should buy snowboard goggles with clear lenses. If on the contrary, you only like snowboarding in the bright light of the sun which may, however, prevent you from having a clear view, you might want to consider buying snowboard goggles with yellow or orange lenses.

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