Sunday 11 December 2011

Stitching Our Heritage

An exciting new project under the auspices of the Ifa Lethu ("Our Heritage") Foundation will be launched at the 2007 MTN Durban Fashion Week in June. Five prominent Durban-based fashion designers under the direction of Greg Wallis, Chairperson of the Durban Fashion Council, are busy finalising their designs for the Ifa Lethu fashion brand.

Creating seams between local fashion to South Africa�s arts and cultural heritage is an initiative aimed at inspiring the nation's youth with a sense of pride in both their historic roots and a commitment to innovative South African products, explains Narissa Ramdhani, Ifa Lethu�s CEO.

After many hours of screening, the five designers: Karen Monk-Klijnstra, Gugu Msimang, Vino, Steve Manday and Bonga Bhengu - all with impeccable credentials in the fashion arena - were selected for Ifa Lethu's debut foray into fashion, on the basis of their ranges being �street-smart, with a hint of ethnicity, aimed at a youth market between the ages of 16 and 24�, says Wallis.

Founded in 2005, the Ifa Lethu Foundation aims to create and foster an ethos of enlightenment and healing through the reclamation of South Africa�s unique heritage. Wallis is extremely proud to be part of the team taking the Ifa Lethu range from local catwalks to retail outlets within South Africa, into Africa and beyond.

Wallis confirms that the designs seen at the 2007 MTN Durban Fashion Week event can be moved into mass production and mainstream merchandising. The recurrent problem faced by many South African designers arises from a set of conditions that hinder the marketing and manufacture of the ranges showcased at fashion events, while retaining excellent standards of quality and balancing in their costing to meet the needs of local consumers.

Wallis says that these challenges will be addressed through diligent control over the commercial aspects of the project, so freeing the five designers to focus their energy and imagination on creative styling and wearable garments. Furthermore, with the Foundation being strongly committed to the business success of this venture, and governed by a board made up of influential and distinguished South African leaders in their fields - chaired by Dr. Mamphela Ramphele - Wallis has no doubt that the range will �make people sit up and take note.

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