Sunday 11 December 2011

Why Are Celebrities Dressing Like Soldiers

Celebrities are trend setters. They always have been because "regular" individuals see them in prominent television, movies, and media and want to emulate the styles of the rich and famous. One fad that has been seen several times over the years and seems to have taken off recently is the wearing of authentic used military clothing, such as combat boots, cargo pants, flight jackets, and fatigues. Why has this become such a popular trend in celebrity fashion, and for what reason do fans want to follow it?

First, a look at Hollywood history may provide clues to today's preference for authentic military garb. Many of the revered Hollywood legends of times past actually were veterans, having enlisted in some branch of the armed forces and many having participated in a war, including icons and role models such as Elvis Presley and Jimmy Stewart. Set forth as heroes for their acting, singing, and other talents, they further became heroes for their bravery and support of their country, making others want to imitate their look. Jimmy Stewart was known for wearing his bomber jacket.

Even current celebrities wish to pay respect to the services provided by legends of the past. However, this is not the only reason behind dressing in authentic military clothing. The music world also holds sway over fashion trends. In the late 1980's and early 1990's, "metal" and hard rock bands took to the airwaves, as well as the stage. Replacing the "glamour" rock of what was referred to as "hair" bands, these hard-core rockers decided to appear strong and in control. Camouflage cargo pants and combat boots gave these angry musicians a militant appearance that fans were happy to latch on to.

Another major influence on the "hip crowd" is fiction - watching movies forms thoughts and opinions in a person's mind as to what is normal, popular, and necessary in fashion. War period movies are a staple of the theatre and have influenced dressing habits for decades. However, beyond just the standard clothing, movies have influenced accessories. The movie Top Gun especially made popular the necessity of aviator glasses, worn by pilots in the Air Force. Of course, this trend became more than just a fad, and these sunglasses, made by Ray-Ban, one of the highest quality name brands in eyewear, are durable and last for years (as opposed to cheap imitations). Stars like Brad Pitt, Justin Timberlake, and Johnny Knoxville have all promoted this fashion in public appearances, simply by sporting them on a sunny day.

What makes the general public so anxious to follow this amazing trend in fashion? Is it only that a role model thinks it's cool, or is there something further driving the idea? Although emulation of icons is a force behind the trend, there is definitely more to it than that. First of all, in recent history, the entire nation bonded due to an attack from fanatics when the World Trade Center towers were struck down. After this, the United States went to war. Camouflage clothing and imitation wear became a way to express support for troops in other lands who bravely risked their lives to keep insurgents at bay. However, this was not enough, and things soon progressed.

In support of the military, many celebrities began shopping at the Army/Navy supply store, where authentic materials made specifically for the military are sold. At one store in New York, customers have included P. Diddy, Kelly Osbourne, Calvin Klein, Bono, and Billy Zane. Seeing the possibilities, the general public began to do the same. Besides supporting the troops and sending messages of such support, purchasers began to notice the superior quality of the military threads, which require a sturdier make for combat and heavy usage. As celebrities "dolled up" in camouflage, so did the general public, buying all manner of items, including cargo pants, bomber and flight jackets, aviator glasses, combat boots, vests, and even camouflage caps.

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