Wednesday 6 July 2011

Dry Hair: Causes & Treatment

Excessive shampooing: Shampooing your hair too often, especially with a harsh shampoo, strips natural oils away.
- Overuse of heat-styling equipment: Normally, the cells in each strand of hair line up in straight rows. If sections of your hair’s outer cell layer have been chipped or stripped away by intense heat, the hair losses moisture.
- Coloring, bleaching, straightening and perming: These chemical treatments chip and strip away the sections of hair’s outer cell layer, decreasing the hair’s ability to retain moisture.
- Environment: Sun, dry heat, extreme weather, and little humidity can dry out your hair.
- Poor diet: Dry hair can be a sign that your diet is lack omega -3 fatty acids, which can be found in fish oil and salmon.
- Genetics: Dry hair can be inherited from birth. Some people, usually those who have dry skin, have the sebaceous glands that do not product enough natural oils. These oils nourish the hair and make it look healthy. Too little of the oils can cause dry hair.

Dry Hair Treatment

- Shampoo, and then condition. Wash your hair with mild shampoo just two or three days a week. Avoid washing your hair with too hot water as it can strip hair’s moisture away.
- Apply deep conditioner once a week. Deep conditioners fill in defects and coat the hair shaft, resulting in a smooth surface that will reflect light and restore shine to your hair.
- Brush from the roots following out to the ends. Brushing spreads natural oils produced in the scalp to the end of your hair. It also promotes growth and increases circulation and moisture. However, don’t overbrush because over brushing can cause split ends.
- Avoid the use of heated appliances and steer clear of perming or coloring for the immediate future.
- Drink a lot of water to help give moisture to your hair.
- Eat foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids such as walnuts, salmon, and mackerel.
- Wear a hat while outdoors and using a swim cap when swimming in chlorinated water.

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