Wednesday 6 July 2011

Homemade Skin Bleach Tips

The right way to bleach your skin is similar to whether using natural skin bleaching recipes or skin whitening products. There are important keys to remember –
  • Using the correct sunscreen.
  • Avoiding the eye area.
  • Do not overuse or misuse.
You’ll see a bunch of natural skin bleach and DIY tips here, and I cannot tell you exactly what will work for you. You have to try one or more until you find which is suitable for your own skin type. Doing homemade skin bleach may also show a fast or slow improvement depending on how your skin reacts to the recipe. It may also cause you some allergic reactions, little or no results. This is true for any skin care product, even with our own skin bleaching products.
Use at your own discretion and judgment.
  • Recipe #1: Juice of half a lemon and half a cucumber, and a pinch of turmeric.
  • Recipe #2: Equal parts of honey and almond paste (soak almonds overnight in water, peel in the morning, make a paste).
  • Recipe #3: 2 tbsp gram flour, 1/2 tsp lemon, 1/2 tsp milk cream, plus a pinch of turmeric.
  • Recipe #4: Equal parts of sandalwood powder, lemon juice, tomato juice, and cucumber juice.
  • Recipe #5: 1 tbsp bleaching powder, ½ tbsp hydrogen peroxide, plus a few drops ammonia.
  • Recipe #6: 2 tsp fuller's earth, 1 tsp 20 volumes peroxide, 6 drops of ammonia.
  • Recipe #7: Ground dried orange peels, plus enough milk for a paste.
  • Recipe #8: 2 tbsp cucumber juice, ½ tsp glycerin, ½ tsp rose water, 1 tbsp lemon juice.
  • Recipe #9: Equal parts of fresh coconut milk and fresh pineapple juice.
Wasn’t that easy?
One fact about homemade skin bleach is it takes a bit longer to show lightening results. Why? Although they’re natural skin bleaching ingredients, it still takes a properly researched formulation to create the best way to bleach your skin.

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