Monday 18 July 2011

MANGO Oversize Check Scarf


MANGO emigrated to us from hot España so it comes as a surprise that those hot blooded guys know a thing or two about a warm winter wardrobe. But seriously, this oversize design in multicolor check and with tasseled hems and a woven finish is not only practical but also stylish. Also, it is much cheaper than a central heating system and its purchase is one of the least expensive ways to refresh and update your wardrobe. Recession or no recession, everyone deserves a little fashion fix to cheer them up.


A scarf is a must when days get shorter and colder. This colorful MANGO piece will beat the melancholy black or gray jacket you'll likely be wearing, as well as your melancholic mood. In fact, this cocktail of mature reds, dirty greens, plum violets, purples, and bordeaux will feel great in the subtle company of a brown or black top -- be it a leather bomber, double-breasted jacket or a wool belted coat. Everything classic, last season and two seasons ago will complement this scarf as long as it’s clear in form and hassle-free. And don’t be afraid to make your MANGO scarf a statement piece.


A good accessory doesn’t get old. Trends come and go but a well-made scarf will never look silly or ridiculous worn years after you’ve bought it. With a $60 price we’re probably not talking decades, but this MANGO check number will look fresh and pleasant when you take it out of your drawer next fall. It neither has a sex nor a size -- it can also be a thoughtful gift. Warm but not too thick it is also ready to show you some tying tricks: European loop, Ascot knot -- you name it, this scarf can do it. The best way to show it off, however, is to wrap in nonchalantly and effortlessly around your neck.

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